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Viocort for horses



Viocort for horses is a specially formulated injection design for the protection, management, and treatment of muscle disorders in horses and dogs. It serves as an aid in controlling muscular dystrophy and acts as a muscular stimulant, promoting overall muscle health and function. With its high potency formulation, Viocort has proven to be effective in both Australian and international markets, making it a trusted product for horses involved in various activities such as racing, endurance, sports, stud, and travel.

What is Viocort For Horses?

The active constituents of Viocort include ATP (adenosine triphosphate) and Uridine Triphosphate, which provide immediate sources of muscle energy. Additionally, Viocort contains Heptaminol HCL, which increases blood flow. Helping to build and maintain muscles while delaying the onset of muscle fatigue. Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) stimulates appetite for energy metabolism. While selenium, an essential trace element, protects muscles from damage and prevents ‘tying-up’ and related muscle problems. Magnesium aspartate enhances oxygen delivery to muscle tissue, promoting strength and endurance, and potassium aspartate supports glucose/glycogen metabolism for energy production.

Administration and Dosage

The dosage and method of administration of Viocort depend on the animal’s species, size, and the condition being treated. It is essential that Viocort is administered under the guidance of a veterinarian. As corticosteroids can have significant effects on the body, and improper use can lead to adverse outcomes. Depending on the form of the medication, it may be give as an injection, applied topically, or administer orally. Viocort for horses

Directions for use:

Viocort should be inject slowly subcutaneously or intramuscularly. For horses, administer 4 mL per 100 kg body weight. And for dogs, administer 1 mL per 25 kg body weight. For prevention, administer one injection each week for 2-3 weeks, and for treatment. Administer one injection every 3 days for 9-12 days.

It’s important to adhere to meat withholding periods and consult racing authorities, stewards, or veterinarians. Regarding withholding times after treatment and before racing or events.


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