Arthrocal Hampton
Arthrocal Hampton a modern veterinary drug for injection in the form of a 12% solution of chondroitin sulfate and 20% glucosamine sulfate solution, aimed at the regeneration of articular cartilage in animals
Arthrocal Hampton is a veterinary injectable solution formulated to support joint health and promote the regeneration of articular cartilage in animals, including horses, dogs, and cats. This advanced chondroprotective agent combines two key active ingredients:
- Chondroitin Sulfate (12% solution): A vital component of cartilage that helps maintain its structural integrity and resilience.
- Glucosamine Sulfate (20% solution): An amino sugar that plays a crucial role in building cartilage and maintaining joint function.
The synergistic effect of these compounds effectively slows degenerative joint changes and halts cartilage degradation more efficiently than when administered separately.
Indications: Arthrocal Hampton
Arthrocal Hampton is indicated for the treatment of various joint and musculoskeletal conditions, including:
- Non-infectious arthritis
- Arthrosis and osteoarthritis
- Periarthritis and spondylarthrosis
- Osteochondrosis and tendonitis
- Synovitis and chondropathy
- Degenerative and inflammatory joint disorders
- Bone-articular pathologies such as fractures
- Acute and traumatic injuries of the ligament-tendon apparatus
- Post-surgical recovery of the musculoskeletal system
- Hip dysplasia in dogs and cats
- Age-related musculoskeletal changes
- Increased physical and athletic stress
- Osteodystrophy in adult animals
- Intensive growth periods in young animals
By addressing these conditions, Arthrocal Hampton aids in reducing inflammation, alleviating pain, and promoting the natural repair processes of cartilage and connective tissues.
Arthrocal Hampton is intend for intramuscular or subcutaneous injection. The recommend dosage and treatment duration should be determined by a licensed veterinarian based on the specific condition and the animal’s size and health status. A typical course may involve multiple doses over a set period to achieve optimal results.
The product is available in packs containing 5 ampoules of 5 ml each, sufficient for a complete treatment course for an animal.
Safety and Compliance:
Arthrocal Hampton does not contain substances prohibited by the Jockey Club and FEI rules, ensuring it is safe for use in competitive animals. However, it is essential to consult with a veterinarian before initiating treatment to ensure it aligns with the specific health needs and regulatory considerations for your animal.
Note: Always seek professional veterinary advice before administering any medication to ensure it is appropriate for your animal’s condition and to determine the correct dosage and administration protocol.
Atox Prix is an oxigenator injection design as a muscular stimulant for horses and dogs. It aids in the control of muscular dystrophy in both horses and dogs, including the condition known as “tying up” in horses.
- Muscular stimulant for horses and dogs
- Aid in the control of muscular dystrophy
- Treatment for “tying up” in horses
Note: Always administer Atox Prix under the guidance of a veterinarian and follow the recommend dosage and administration instructions for the specific condition being treated.
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